Sell My House Privately WA

Sell Your Property Without an Agent

Sell My House Privately WA

Sell My House Privately WA

For Sale By Owner makes it possible to sell your house privately in WA, without using traditional real estate agents. Our company provide you with a marketing platform that will enable you to get as much online exposure as any agent would be able to achieve. By selling your house privately you will be able to save considerable commission and marketing fees.

Private house sales through For Sale By Owner are not limited to just houses. If you would like to sell privately through us, this is also possible for vacant land, apartments, studios and units, townhouses, rural properties, acreage, and retirement living.

Selling your house in WA by yourself is perfectly legal. There is no requirement in Western Australia to use an agent. Please view our packages should you wish to sell your property through our platform.

Here are some of the main sell my house privately services we provide:

Here are some of the main services we provide:

1. Internet Advertising

For Sale By Owner is not just a sell your own home website. We list extensively some of Australia’s most popular real estate sites, including and

In today’s age, the vast majority of real estate enquiries come from people who have viewed property online. It’s no longer necessary to rely on real estate agent listings on shop fronts or property lists available from agencies.

By selling your home with us, you will be able to advertise on all the same websites that agents use. There is no real exposure that an agent can provide that you will not have access to yourself. We empower you to do everything an agent would be able to do for you.

2. For Sale Boards, Brochures and Property Reports

When selling your own home, you need more than just online advertising. Many property sales are the result of someone seeing a For Sale board when driving past. For Sale By Owner can provide you with a standard generic For Sale Board, or we can provide a big full-sized Photo Board. Depending on your location, this will be either installed professionally for you or will be sent out as a flat pack. Contact us to see which of these would apply to your board.

Selling your own house without agents does not mean that your campaign needs to be inferior to what an agent could provide you. All our marketing materials are of a very high standard in terms of their design and construction.

The property reports we provide are the same reports that most agents use in preparation appraisals for customers. We will provide you with the same reports, which will give a good indication of what your property is worth. We can help you in terms of how to price your property if you need any help at all.

3. Real Estate Software

When selling your own home, you will be able to create and manage your listing yourself. We provide you with the software to do this. Many customers specifically let us know how easy they find our software to use. We have also had many older vendors who have found the process of creating and running their online advertisements very simple.

When you create your property advertisement in our system, we then push this to all the websites on which we list at the same time. Whenever you need to make an update to your listing, you only need to do this once in our system, and this will then automatically flow through to all the sites on which we list.

Our software also processed enquiries. When someone makes an enquiry on your property, our system will automatically send you an SMS alert, together with an email. These contact the contact details of the person who has made the enquiry, as well as any questions or comments they may have submitted. The person who has made the enquiry will then also get an email with your contact details.

Sell My House Privately WA

Here are some commonly asked questions about selling your own home private in Western Australia.

1. Is it legal to sell my house privately in WA?

Sell My House Privately WA

Yes. There is no requirement in Western Australia that an estate agent be used when real estate is bought or sold. Anyone in WA can sell their own house themselves. What is a requirement though, is that a property contract of sale is signed by all parties.

Even when using an agent, you would still need to use your own solicitor to assist with the paperwork relating to the sale. This same person will also be able to prepare and oversee the signing of this contract. We recommended that you use an industry professional. You should not attempt to do this yourself.

2. How can I sell my house in WA?

Sell My House Privately WA

The actual process for private house sales is not difficult but beyond the scope of this page. On this page, you will find some good information about how to sell your own house. As you prepare to sell your own house, we can also provide updates on the property market in your area.

This contains up-to-date sales information that will help you set the right price for your property. It’s not at all difficult to sell your property privately.

3. Can I sell my home myself on

Sell My House Privately WA

We can help you with listing your own home on Please note however that is an agent portal. Only licensed real estate agents can publish properties for sale on their site. For Sale By Owner is one such agency, and by that means we are able to advertise your property.

Your listing on will be a standard listing. Any and all upgrades that are available to agents will also be available to you. has an Acceptable Use Policy which provides guidance on what is and what is not acceptable in terms of property advertisements. We can provide you with guidance on this and will always ensure that your listing is compliant with their requirements.

4. Are others permitted to assist me?

Sell My House Privately WA

Yes. When someone in Western Australia sells their house privately, it’s common for someone else or others to help them. Friends or family can assist you if you like, and there are no specific requirements when it comes to this. Don’t forget that we are also here to help at any time. We can provide all manner of assistance when it comes to the sale of your home.

5. What other fees are payable to you when I sell my own house privately?

Sell My House Privately WA

The only fees that we charge are the upfront package fees, and any add-ons or upgrades you may like to buy along the way. We do not charge any ongoing fees for our main Essentials and Essentials Plus packages. We also don’t charge any commission fees when you sell your property.

When your property is listed with us, it is listed until sold. Please bear in mind however that this is based on your property being listed continuously with us. There may be fees payable if your property is withdrawn for more than a certain time period. This is because we ourselves are then also charged again by some of the portals to which we list.

For Sale By Owner: 54 Stillwater Avenue, Drummond cove, WA 6532
For Sale By Owner: 42 Bloomfield Drive, Hilbert, WA 6112
For Sale By Owner: 26B Pollard Street, Glendalough, WA 6016
For Sale By Owner: 12 Richardson Way, Bulgarra, WA 6714
Tags: Sell Your Home Brisbane, Sell A House Gold Coast, Sell Property Privately Sunshine Coast
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For Sale By Owner | Sell My House | Private House Sales