Sell My House Online

How To Sell Your Own House

Sell My House Online

Sell My House On The Internet

Selling your own house is legal and not difficult. You are not required to use a real estate agent to do this for you. The vast majority of real estate enquiries now come from the internet. We provide you with the tools and resources to do this privately. For Sale By Owner is a privately owned Australian company that helps people sell their own homes.

We provide you with the tools needed to sell your own house online. To advertise a home privately on some of the most popular websites, you need to be a licensed real estate agent. For Sale By Owner is one such agency, and has accounts with major sites like and By using our services, you can effectively market your property for sale on all the main sites, but without the high marketing and commission fees that normal agencies charge.

Selling privately is an effective way to sell your house. Not only can you save on online advertising fees, but you can also potentially save tens of thousands of dollars in commission fees. Please call or contact us to see how we can assist you. For Sale By Owner has been around since 2009, and we have helped thousands of Australian homeowners sell their own properties privately.

Here are some important things to be aware of when selling your house privately online with For Sale By Owner:

1. The Internet Is Where Buyers Are Looking

The vast majority of buyers are now finding properties to buy on the internet. The days of Newspapers and agency lists being the main source are now long gone. In order to effectively market your property for sale, you need to be listed on the main real estate portals.

In Australia, that needs to include and You can often also find a buyer by having a For Sale board on your property, but this should be a secondary form of advertising. Internet advertising on real estate websites needs to be the primary source for marketing your house.

2. You Control Your Internet Advertising Campaign

When selling your home privately with For Sale By Owner, you fully control your listing as it appears on the internet. We give you access to part of our website where you create your listing. You can add a property headline, and description, select what features are applicable, set the price, set open times, upload and order photos, and more.

Once created, you also have the ability to change and edit your listing whenever you like. This does not require any intervention from us. You maintain total control. Are you looking to change the price? Simply log into your account, change the price and click to save your changes. The new price will then automatically be updated on all sites, typically within 15 minutes or so.

3. Real Estate Internet Adveritising Is Cost Effective

The main reason why Australian homeowners often choose to sell their homes privately is to avoid very high commission fees to an agent. These typically range from 2-3% of the sale price, depending on where in Australia you are. Whilst this is the most significant fee a vendor will have to pay, internet advertising fees with a traditional agency can also be relatively high.

In many cases, you’re paying to advertise the agency’s brand and not just your own property. At For Sale By Owner, we only charge an upfront fee, which includes all internet advertising. Whilst you are able to buy additional upgrades, this is often not necessary, and you can save quite a lot of money on advertising fees when selling through us.

Here are some of the most common questions we're asked when it comes to advertising real estate privately online:

1. What real estate websites do you list on?

Sell My House Online

We list properties on the most prominent and popular real estate websites in Australia. The biggest two of these are and We hold accounts with these portals, and are able to get you listed alongside all other agency listings.

In addition to this, we list on a range of other websites such as,,, (formerly and more. Please see our current packages for a full range of sites. In addition to these, we also publish to and have an exclusive publishing deal with that site.

2. Can't I just list on those sites myself?

Sell My House Online

No, most of the properties on which we list are agent sites. Only licensed real estate agencies can publish properties for sale on and We are one such agency, and we hold subscriptions with these sites as a real estate agent licensed in all states and territories of Australia.

We can publish your property for sale on all those sites by listing your house for sale with us. You do not need to create accounts with each. Your For Sale By Owner account will allow you to list your home for sale on all the websites on which we publish.

3. What is the difference between vendor listings and agent listings on

Sell My House Online

There is no difference between our listing and those of traditional agents. The only difference that may appear is an agent has upgraded their listing. only allows licensed real estate agents with subscriptions to advertise on their sites.

Whilst your listing will appear on REA and other sites with your photos and description, this is possible because For Sale By Owner is a licensed real estate agency in all states and territories of Australia.

4. Can I upgrade my internet listing?

Sell My House Online

Yes. When listing with us, the same upgrade options available to traditional real estate agents are also available to you. The two main upgrades available are for and Prices vary from suburb to suburb and there are numerous options available.

If you’re unsure how much benefit you may get from upgrading your listing, please speak to us. We’d be happy to give you an idea of what to expect for each possible upgrade. In many instances, a property will sell without ever having been upgraded. A property upgrade can be applied at any time, so you may want to see how things go first. It may end up not needing an upgrade at all.

5. What phone apps will my property be available on?

Sell My House Online

The most popular phone apps are those provided by and All our properties appear on both apps by default. There is nothing you need to do in order also to be seen on these apps, and there are also no additional fees for this.

The number of enquiries generated by each of these apps is significant, and it’s important that people can easily find your property when searching for properties of interest. Enquiries submitted by potential buyers through either of these apps will be processed by us automatically, as for all other sources of enquiry.

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For Sale By Owner | Sell My House | Private House Sales